
Tuesday 26 August 2014

volcanoScientists in Iceland have warned that one of Iceland's biggest volcanoes, Bardarbunga maybe about to erupt. Erupting may lead to flooding or might throw out clouds of gas which could affect large parts of Europe. Bardarbunga is on an "orange" alert, the second-highest level of danger.

This is dangerous for people and the world because it might melt the surroundings which is usually Ice,I guess. But this could be a real problem to the polar Ice caps and if it melts… It could cause sea levels to rise.


  1. Hey Damien, I really like your story about Bardarbunga. I think the name of the volcano is hard to say but it sounds funny to me. I wouldn't want sea levels to rise! I really really hope that this volcano doesn't erupt! Would you want to be living in Iceland if this volcano erupts?

  2. Thanks Miria, I'm glad you like my post on Iceland's Volcano. Even though the name sounds funny, pronouncing it is the hard part and the first time I tried to say it I said "Barabunga"! I would not want to be living in Iceland if this volcano erupts. Would you want be living there?
