
Thursday 19 November 2015

My Reading Test

Which answer is right? Re-Read, Re-Read.

On Monday, I attended a test postponed for me because I was absent. Mrs Golder and I where in the maths room. I had three Tests to do so I be in a good class the future. The reading comprehension test was to test my reading skills and answer the questions about the text.

First off, the test had started and I only had 45 minutes. By the time I got to the first question I was so worried even though it just started. So I tried to calm myself down, and with hope I was already on the second page. Some questions were easy and some were just too hard figure out. But all I had to do to solve the question was re-read.

When the last question was answered, the first thing I did was double-check it so I could see if I got any wrong. As soon as I was done checking it, I was so relieved. I finally got it over and done with. As she took my paper away, I hoped and hoped to get a great score. But we’ll soon find out…

Tuesday 3 November 2015

You Can Teach Old Dogs New Tricks!

Last week, my teacher, Mrs Golder, was having trouble updating her Google Forms. It was so she could see if we were sending friendly comments to the other classes.

She asked me, being the IT guy and stuff, if I could help her. Eventually I did! She thanked me and I was awarded with a Principal's Award. You can check out what I did Here
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